About Poetically Inspiring Change LLC
A BIPOC and Fat Positive Space
~Using Poetry to teach, to touch, to inspire~
A company founded by Angela Braxton-Johnson in 2011, Poetically Inspiring Change was created to be a portal of creative words, guiding people to be embodied, educated and healed.
As a woman of faith, teacher and professional facilitator, Angela has used poetry in her curriculum, talks and courses for three plus decades. As a teenager she won talent shows and poetry contests for her poems and spoken word.
Poetically Inspiring Change (PIC) aims to guide all people, but especially BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and fat/bigger bodied/plus sized girls/womxn, spiritually and creatively into recovery and liberation.
In 2020, the year of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, PIC began P4: Prayer. Peace. Poetry. Practice. A creative meditation and open mic experience, facilitated via a conference call and/or Zoom
Angela has also created a form of poetry, called Stoetry™️ - poetic story-telling, which uses any combination of poetry styles to tell stories that vary in length from short stories to novels.
"Finding Me"
An Original Poem by Angela Braxton-Johnson
An Original Poem by Angela Braxton-Johnson
"Thought You Knew"
"I Woke Up Like That"
An Original Poem by Angela Braxton-Johnson
Ain't this Cube Cute?!
Just click on any image to see the video of me doin' my thang Honey Chile'!