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Day 1 of My Numbered Days on Earth

Updated: Mar 22

Day 1 of My Numbered Days on Earth

Today, I am using AI/Artificial Intelligence, as a writing tool for calculating time. The Alexa gadget was gifted to me, though oftentimes I keep it muted.

But today, I rediscovered that I was born on a Tuesday, and I discovered that I’ve been alive for 21,032 days. Though so many of those days, I was somewhat dead.

In my first 365 days I was experiencing domestic violence.  Somewhere around 1,095 days I was separated from all but 2 biological family members, Mama and Uncle John. In those days, by God’s Grace, I was also connected to 2 lifetime friends and sisters, Marchelle and Tamra, both of whom still walk this earth with me. 

Around 1,280 days I was being sexually abused at my babysitter’s house. At 1,460 days I was being bullied by neighborhood kids. 

Around 2,238 days in I was being bullied at school for being timid and fat, which went on for years. I also accepted the Lord into my heart and knew with very little understanding, that God was real. I had been knowing that. 

On day 3,763 I was forced into foster care by Mama’s mental breakdown. The first one I would experience, of several in this lifetime. 

5,053 days in, I had graduated from high school with honors. 

At 6,591 days, I was attending my dream college of Howard University. 

7,305 days in, I married the love of my life, my husband now for 13,728 days. 

63 days ago, I said yes to God and to being abstinent when He divinely led me back to a 12-step program, where They had also led me around 17,744 days ago and several times after that.

3 days ago, I reluctantly yet willingly said yes to Holy Spirit about removing 3 additional foods from my program. Food that I usually have allergic reactions to. Perhaps it's not forever and maybe just for today. 

Right now, I know that my days on this earth are numbered but more importantly, I know that the most significant day of my life is today, My Day One. This day is my gift—my embodied present. 

Angela Braxton-Johnson

Copyright ©️ March 17, 2024

Poetically Inspiring Change

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